Human milk is the best food you can offer your baby. The Canadian Paediatric Society recommends exclusive
breast/chest feeding for the first 6 months of life. At about 6 months, your baby will be ready for other foods,
but you can continue breast/chest feeding until your child is 2 years of age and beyond.
For detailed information and resources on breast/chest feeding, please visit:
Human Milk:
● Is naturally and uniquely produced
● Contains antibodies and other immune factors that help prevent illness.
● Has the right amount and quality of nutrients to meet your baby's first food needs.
● Is easy on your baby’s digestive system, so there is less chance of constipation or diarrhea.
Breast/chest feeding offers your baby the best start, but it’s not always easy. Challenges are common.
Don’t be afraid to ask for help and support.
What Should You Eat While Breast/Chest Feeding?
Producing milk burns a lot of calories so it is important that you eat a variety of nutritious foods and
drink plenty of fluids. You don’t need to avoid milk, egg, peanuts, or other foods, as there is no evidence
that avoiding certain foods will prevent allergy in your child.
You Should Avoid Dieting While You Are Breast/Chest Feeding.
What is Colostrum?
Colostrum is the first milk produced in the early days after your baby is born. For some people it is
thick and yellowish and for others it is thin and watery. Colostrum is very rich in proteins, vitamins,
minerals and infection-fighting antibodies that are found only in breast milk.
You will know that your colostrum is changing into mature milk when it becomes milky white in
colour and your breasts feel full. This is known as your milk “coming in”. The amount of time it takes
for milk to “come in” varies. If your milk hasn’t come in within 72 hours of your baby’s birth, it is a good
idea to talk to your care provider.
What Is The Difference Between Foremilk and Hindmilk?
The milk at the beginning of each feeding is called foremilk. Foremilk is watery to satisfy your
baby's fluid needs. As the feed continues, foremilk is gradually replaced by rich, fatty hindmilk.
Hindmilk will satisfy your baby’s hunger and provide the calories needed for growth.
How Do I Know When It's Time For A Feeding?
At first, you will feed your baby on demand, which means feeding whenever the baby is hungry.
This could be as often as every 2 to 3 hours.
Typically, you can expect to feed 8 to 12 times over a 24-hour period. Let your baby set the pace.
Sometimes babies want to feed more frequently and for very short periods of time. This is
called “cluster feeding” and often happens in the evening. Cluster feeding is normal and might
mean your baby is going through a growth spurt.
How Will I Know If My Baby Is Feeding Well?
Feed on each side for as long as the baby wants and alternate the side you begin with at each feeding.
Your baby is feeding well when:
● You hear short swallowing sounds (making a "K" sound) which gradually become
longer and deeper as your milk is released.
● The baby is content after feeding.
● Feeding isn’t painful for you.
● Your breasts feel full before and less full or empty after a feeding.
How Will I Know If My Baby Isn't Feeding Well?
Your baby isn't feeding well when:
● You hear a lot of lip smacking.
● The baby isn't content after a feeding.
● The feeding process is painful for you.
How Will I Know If My Baby Is Getting Enough To Eat?
Signs that tell you your baby is getting enough to eat include:
● Six or more wet diapers in a 24-hour period.
● Stools that are yellow, soft and seedy. Early on, these may come after every feeding.
After the first month, stools may not be as frequent (1 bowel movement every 2 to 7 days),
but they should still be soft and yellow.
● Weight gain (we will check at each visit)
What Else Should I Know About Breast/Chest Feeding?
● Wash your hands before feeding.
● If you experience cracked or sore nipples, try exposing them to the air after each feeding,
allowing them to dry naturally. You can also apply lanolin cream. You can buy a lanolin
product at your local pharmacy.
● Avoid using soap on your nipples. Soap will wash away your nipples’ natural lubricants.
Some people get mastitis, a serious bacterial infection which causes painful swelling of the
breasts, and sometimes fever. If you have these symptoms, see your doctor or contact
your midwife. Mastitis is treated with antibiotics. You can continue to breast/chest feed during treatment.
When Should I Express My Milk?
● If you are feeling engorged (large, sore, and feeling extremely full), your newborn may have
difficulty latching on. Express some milk by gently massaging or pushing on your breast/chest
with your hand or a breast pump. This may help your baby latch on.
● If you will be away from your baby during feeding time, you can express your milk. This will allow
your baby to drink your milk from a cup or a bottle when you are not available.
● You may also wish to have expressed milk available when your baby is in child care.
Make sure the centre or home has a refrigerator.
●Your expressed milk has to be kept chilled until feeding time.
How Should Expressed Milk Be Stored?
● Expressed milk should be kept in a clean container, such as a glass bottle or milk bags
for breast milk, with the date marked on it.
● Plastic polyethylene bags, such as commercial bottle liners, and containers made of bisphenol
A (BPA) are not recommended because they can affect the quality of your milk.
Your expressed milk can be stored for:
● 6 to 8 hours at room temperature (no warmer than 25°C [77°F]), up to 5 days in the
refrigerator (at a temperature of below 4°C [<39°F]).
● 2 weeks in your refrigerator freezer (not in the door).
● 3-6 months in the freezer compartment of a refrigerator with separate doors.
● 6-12 months in a separate chest-type freezer (at a temperature below -20°C [-4°F]).
Never mix freshly expressed milk with chilled or frozen milk because it can cause bacteria to
grow and lead to food poisoning.
Source: Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine
How Do I Prepare Expressed Milk For A Feeding?
● Thaw frozen milk in the refrigerator and keep it there until you're ready for it.
● Do not use a microwave to thaw or warm frozen expressed milk because it can affect
the quality of the milk.
● Prepare clean bottles and nipples.
● Put the thawed milk into a feeding bottle or cup. You can warm the milk by placing the
bottle of expressed milk into a container of warm water before the feeding.
● Shake the bottle of milk well to mix any separated layers.
● After each feeding, throw away any leftover milk.
● Do not refreeze your milk once it has been thawed or partially thawed.
Does My Baby Need Anything Else Besides Human Milk?
Because of our northern latitude, Canadian infants are at risk of vitamin D deficiency.
Since human milk has only small amounts of Vitamin D, babies who are breast/chest fed
should receive a daily supplement of 400 IU of Vitamin D, which is available as drops.
Are There Ever Reasons Not To Breast/Chest Feed?
There are very few clinical reasons not to breast/chest feed.
● If you are receiving chemotherapy (especially cyclosporine, methotrexate, bromocriptine,
cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin), have HIV disease, or take street drugs (especially PCP) talk to your doctor.
You may be advised not to breastfeed.
● If you have a medical condition or take prescription medications, always talk to your doctor or
midwife before nursing your baby. With most prescription medications you can continue to breast/chest
feed because only small amounts will pass through your milk.
● If you use marijuana, in any form, you should not breast/chest feed.
● For more information about drugs and breast/chest feeding, contact Mother to Baby.
What Do I Feed My Baby When I Cannot Breast/Chest Feed?
If breast/chest feeding is not an option, or if you choose not to breast/chest feed, use a store-bought
infant formula for the first 9 to 12 months.
Formula should be cow milk-based. Homemade formulas made from canned, evaporated, whole milk
(cow or goat) are not recommended as a human milk substitute.
Soy, rice, or other plant-based beverages, even when fortified, are not appropriate as a
human milk substitute as they are nutritionally incomplete for infants. There is no evidence
that soy-based formula will prevent your child from developing an allergy.
Soy-based infant formulas should only be used as an alternative to cow milk-based formula if
your baby has galactosemia (a rare disorder that will affect how your baby’s body processes simple sugar)
or if your baby cannot consume dairy-based products for cultural or religious reasons.
Since vitamin D is already added to infant formula, most full-term babies who are formula-fed don’t
need a supplement. However, formula-fed babies in northern communities should receive a supplement
of 400 IU/day from October to April to ensure they have enough vitamin D.
At about 6 months, you can begin to introduce solids to your baby's diet.
Who Should I Ask If I Have Questions About Breast/Chest Feeding?
Although breast/chest feeding is the natural way to feed your baby, you may find it hard in the beginning.
This is normal; you'll learn through experience. Don't be afraid to ask for help or advice from health
professionals or experienced friends and relatives.
Your doctor or midwife can counsel you about the principles and practice of breast/chest feeding.
Many community-based programs also support breast/chest feeding families, such as the La Leche League Canada.
Call their toll-free number for a referral to someone in your community: 1-800-665-4324.
You may also contact a lactation consultant or public health nurse. These are easy to find. Your midwife can also make recommendations on how to find a lactation consultant.
This information was adapted from the Canadian Pediatric Society handout, which can be found at:
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